RKF LAW is an international IP law firm that specializes in all matters concerning Intellectual Property Protection, such as registration and protection of Trademarks, Patents, Designs, Copyright, and Domain Names. We are providing IP &Trademark Attorney services in India since 1997. Our Trademark Attorney services in India can help you to protect your trademark in India & worldwide. Our IP services are available worldwide.

The services of trademark attorneys in India are vital and invaluable to all concerned fields of the economy and are an immensely significant part of creative and supportive services by the legal sector in India. Therefore, our RKF LAW, a globally prominent full-service law firm well-established in India provides the whole gamut of diverse services regarding trademarks, Patents, copyright in all economic fields, all across India, and other countries of the world, both at domestic and international levels. Today, our discerning and innovative law firm is reputed nationwide for obtaining the perfect and impeccable services of trademark attorneys in India, in every part of the country, quite promptly and economically. Ours these lavish and refined trademark attorney services in India are described separately and exclusively in the section below. All classes of trademarks and service mark categorized in the globally accepted trademark classification are served well and flawlessly by ours internationally reputed and ingenious trademark attorneys in India and abroad. Here, it may be noted that we offer a full range of services also for all other intellectual property and all other areas of legal practice in India and abroad.


Worldwide Trademark Registration Services :

To serve individuals and business entities established and doing business in diverse fields in locations all around the world, we undertake and perform punctually and responsibly their respective trademark registration with the concerned trademark offices worldwide. The range of our worldwide trademark attorneys services based in India essentially encompasses - all-round and discerning support for creation and selection of the most suitable and visionary trademark, critical and scrupulous trademark searches through domestic and international jurisdictions, well-informed and flawless drafting, and secured filing of trademark application at the desired national or international trademark office, prompt and rigorous trademark prosecution, trademark opposition, trademark watch and monitoring for well-rounded trademark protection within the jurisdictions concerned, expert resolution of diverse trademark disputes, and trademark infringement litigation in India and abroad. In the international arena, trademark registration and protection well-supported by us with Our International Trademark attorneys. Here, it is noteworthy that, the Indian new Trade Marks Act, 1999, together with all amendments made thereto so far, is of world-standard, and in close conformity with most of the globally recognized trademark treaties and conventions of the world.